1999(Sep): “Back to School Blues & BBQ”: Using Different Venues to Reach the Unreached


1999(Sep): “Back to School Blues & BBQ”: Using Different Venues to Reach the Unreached



  • “Back to School Blues & BBQ”: Using Different Venues to Reach the Unreached
  • How to Help Parents Develop Their Children’s Faith
  • “Peacemaker Awards” for Public Schools
  • Youth and the Affliction of the Pink Flamingos
  • Does Your Midsize Church Have Stretched Cells?
  • Do You Really Want to Catch a Bible Vision?
  • Profile of a Successful Change Agent
  • Turning a Church Around Is a Dangerous Calling
  • At What level Should Denominations Be Involved in Starting New Congregations?
  • Everything Rises and Falls on … Intimacy – Part 1


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