January – February: Tools of the Trade


What’s the best tool for discipleship? Evangelism? Bible study? Sermon Prep? Here are our writer’s favorites.

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The work of the church would be impossible without the tools of the trade. At the basics are language and the scripture truths. Later came church buildings and the Bible. Later still the printing press. With today’s technology, there are so many tools it’s hard to keep them straight, let alone keep up with them.

In this issue, we look at some of our churches’ and pastor’s favorite tools. Hopefully, it’ll make your job easier!


  • Leadership Tools
  • My Favorite Tool
  • Don’t Tell Them How: Technology that Moves the Mission
  • The Whole Toolbox
  • At the Movies
  • Tools of the Trade
  • Be a Good Sport
  • Camp Trends for 2023
  • Data: The Tool of Giving
  • A Revolutionary Tool
  • The Equipping Tool


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